
Come up with a theme

First and foremost have a clear idea of your podcast episode and the name that you are going to call it, if possible.

After that develop the content that you are going to include in the podcast.

You may start by jotting down your ideas using your creativity.

You can do this in a book, an email, your phone, or a computer.

This process of brainstorming can help you.

As you go on you can order that list of ideas logically.

Continue editing your ideas until you are satisfied.

You can contact experts in the field for ideas.

But take note that you can change your podcast and episode ideas as you go. New themes come with time and even during the recording phase

In this Pre-production phase, you plan the theme of the episode as well as contact your guests and experts on the field

You also get to choose if scriptwriting is necessary

The environment is very important when it comes to the audio recording

If you are going to set up a studio find a very quiet place to avoid the background noises.

Such noises include dogs barking, bells from traffic, birds noise, or any other noises you can think of.

There are many professional ways for eliminating background noise you can choose

Once you are done with the pre-production phase you can then start Production participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and many other programs. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to as well as other renowned marketplaces and or websites.