There are no academic qualifications that are required for one to become a podcaster.

This page focus on the qualities and qualifications of a great Podcaster.

It also answers the question: What makes a great Podcast host?

People with a media/journalism background might be more successful in running a Podcast.

But this is not guaranteed since each individual has their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

A great communicator

What is very important is for you to be good at basic human communication.

This means that you must ask the correct questions on your podcast script or plan (if there are any).

A great Podcast host is a master conversationalist and listener.

For an enhanced Podcast they must be genuinely curious and must ask great intelligent questions.

Values excellence over perfectionism

Moreover, you have to know that you do not have to be a perfectionist if you are still new to podcasting.

Excellence is far more important than perfectionism.

You will find yourself becoming a pro as time goes on.

Progressive and willing to improve

Experience leads to excellence only when there is the personal initiative to improve.

When you check the first episode of any highly popular podcast you will find yourself being captivated and motivated.

This is because you will discover that their first podcast recordings were not as advanced as they are today.

So do not worry about being perfect, focus on being excellent.

Knows the subject, theme, niche or sub-niche

Furthermore, they must be an insider, an expert snd or have in-depth knowledge of the theme/subject.

This includes knowing the lingo and jargon.

People listen to those they think have great value and are more knowledgeable than them on a particular theme.

The Podcast host must have the knowledge and real-world experience in whatever themes they focus on in their podcast.

They must be able to know the current trends and the basic content.

Constantly improving their voice

In addition to the above, what might be important is developing your voice as you grow your podcast.

Enhanced voice projection – this can be done by consulting vocal coaches.

Also, you may invest in voice courses by voice experts like Roger Love.

You may also need to change your accent if it is necessary.

Recommended Voice Projection Course: Voice Over For Real People.

Great mind-mapping skills

Mind mapping is a secret skill that most successful people have.

For Podcasters mind mapping helps you to be flexible when planning, memorize as well as being able to ask the right questions at the correct time.

Mind mapping is one of the skills that make news reporters and other radio presenters seem as if they are experts and more intelligent than the average person.

Listener-oriented Podcast host

Understanding what your listener’s needs/wants are is a sign of a great Podcast host.

It is great to know what your audience is interested in.

If you are not aware you must sit down and brainstorm about who your target audience is.

That is:

  • Who are they?
  • Why do they listen to your episodes?
  • How can they benefit more from listening to your show?

More research will need to be done about your average listener so that all the themes and questions you discuss will directly or indirectly benefit them.

A social person with wonderful networking skills

This is important to ensure that you always have the best of the best in your industry.

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you should have great networking skills as a person.

This will attract more guests to your show.

Recommended resources for one to become a great Podcaster or Podmaster

NameType of resource and purposeLink to access
Launch, Market, And Monetize A PodcastOnline Course
– A top-rated course for Podcasters.
– You will find yourself learning what you need for an outstanding Podcast.
– You can also see the free preview of the course.
Podcast Course
Vocal Power: Speaking with Authority, Clarity, and ConvictionAudiobook
– A renowned audiobook for having an enriched and wonderful voice.
– This is recommended for Podcasters since when it comes to audio content, your voice can attract or repel the listeners
Vocal Power
Voice Over For Real PeopleOnline Video Course
– A phenomenal course that was created for Voiceover Artists.
– Voice artists like Podcasters are judged on how effective they are according to how they sound.
– This course is recommended for you if you want to be a master Podcaster.
– You will also get to learn the tools and equipment you will need if your voice is essential in conveying your message.
Voice Over For Real People
Power of Charm by Brian TracyeBook/Book
– A revolutionary book on human communication in the 21st century.
– Within a few pages you will master the skills of connecting with anyone.
– This is recommended for Podcasters who are into interviews as well as for those who want to connect with more guests.
Power of Charm
How to Win Friends & Influence People
– This all-time best-seller by Dale Carnegie will also teach you how to engage anyone through genuine curiosity and being interested in other people/
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Mind Mapping: Improve Memory, Concentration, Communication, Organization, Creativity, and Time ManagementAudiobook
– Mind mapping will make you more intelligent than the average Podcaster.
– This will save you time and make you not only a successful Podmaster – but will spill over into the other areas of your life.
Mind Mapping: Improve Memory, Concentration, Communication, Organization, Creativity, and Time Management
Podcasting 101Webpage guide
– Our guide for new Podcasters.
The New Podcaster’s Guide
A table with links and resources for Podcasters who want to be better hosts.


At the end of the day, there are no qualifications needed for one to become a great Podcast host.

Outlined below are essential if one is to become a noteworthy Podcast host and then a Podmaster. participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and many other programs. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to as well as other renowned marketplaces and or websites.