Why do you need a Podcast?

- More people are listening to Podcasts nowadays
- More visitors to your website
- Outshine your competition with a Podcast
- Audios files are easy to listen to
- Podcast files can be listened to anywhere, anytime
- Self-promotion via audio content
- If you want to master it, Podcast it
- Podcasting is a pillar in content marketing
- Conclusion
More people are listening to Podcasts nowadays
Why is a Podcast so important?
Well, that’s what your customers and some of your potential customers listen to nowadays.
People mainly listen to podcasts for various reasons that include:
- learning new things,
- entertainment purposes,
- staying updated on the latest issues and trends,
- for inspiration / motivatioon
- and for relaxing as well as escaping.
People who listen to Podcasts enjoy doing so mainly because they can focus on other things whilst listening.
More visitors to your website
Podcasts will boost the traffic to your website.
Podcasts are portable for they can listen to them on their phone or laptop, any time anywhere.
For instance, according to the 2019 Edison Report on Podcast consumers, 65% of people who listen to Podcasts in the United States listen to podcasts on their smartphones, tablet, or portable devices.
This explains why podcasts are popular.
The 2019 Edison Report estimated that about 144 million of the 320 million people in the United State have once listened to a Podcast.
Outshine your competition with a Podcast
Podcasts have a competitive advantage for your business.
Nowadays people are preoccupied with many issues but if there is a podcast with topics that interest them they will be able to multi-task whilst listening with their headphones\earphones.
Audios files are easy to listen to
Reading text on a website or blog requires special effort and attention.
I am sure there are many sites you have wanted to read but could not read them in the past because the text was too much.
Although watching videos is very popular nowadays for digesting content, videos require both visual and auditory attention.
And there is less effort since one does not have to read.
The major advantage of Podcasts is that only listening is required.
Podcast files can be listened to anywhere, anytime
The content can be consumed anywhere and at any time, even performing other tasks simultaneously.
Self-promotion via audio content
Above all, in your business, you can use podcasts to generate more revenue via advertising, and sponsorships as well as promote your business in the process.
With a good podcast, you have nothing to lose but all to gain. You can easily share your thoughts, knowledge, talents, and expertise.
Podcasts bring life to your words.
They give you a voice and bring you closer to your blog readers as well as your business’ customers.
Take note that interview podcasts are popular, entertaining, and more energizing than those written in the text-only format on a blog.
They also position you as an expert.
Personal branding and business promotion are very important for you to be in a better position as well as for differentiating yourself from the competition.
If you want to master it, Podcast it
They say if you want to master anything, teach it.
We can also say that if you want to master it, then you Podcast it.
Having a podcast will allow you to be an expert in your field faster and more effectively than other content marketing strategies.
This is because they will help you network with the very best in your industry or field of interest.
Podcasting is a pillar in content marketing
In the 2020s Podcasts will become so popular because they are easily accessible and can be accessed 24 hrs anytime anywhere.
This is a big money-making opportunity for you.
Utilize your Podcast as a marketing strategy for your business or personal brand.
Ask yourself today why you need a podcast.
Exercise: Write 10 reasons why you would benefit from having a Podcast.
Renowned Resources for new Podcasters
Name of Course / Ebook | Format | Duration | Benefits for you | Average Rating Out Of 5* | Link |
Voice Over For Real People | Online Course | 2.9 Hours, 41 videos | Professional voice training. | 4.8 out of 5 (357 Reviews) | Watch the free preview |
Launch, Market, And Monetize A Podcast | Online Course | 2.4 Hours, 22 videos | Proven techniques on how to become a Podmaster | 4.8 out of 5 (103 Reviews) | Watch the free preview |
Podcast: Learn how to Stop Babbling & Start Podcasting Like a Pro | Book/eBook | 107 pages | Â Revolutionary tips for new Podcasters by an insider. | 4.4 out of 5180 global ratings | Check the ebook here |
*Average Rating – this refers to the rating when this article was last edited (11 November 2022).
Further Reading
1 – Edison Research. 2019. “The Podcast Consumer 2019 – Edison Research”. Edison Research. https://www.edisonresearch.com/the-podcast-consumer-2019/#:~:text=The%20audience%20for%20podcasting%20grew,%2C%20increasing%20122%25%20since%202014.
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